Saturday, December 20, 2008

Makynna and Jaden wiped out after playing all day on Thanksgiving. Looks like they just fell where they were playing...
Makynna and Livia sporting the shades.

John playing hockey.

...and John playing hockey.

Makynna with the ginger bread house she made at preschool.

Makynna at her preschool program, she was one of the Kings.

Kitty is thinking this is his new home....hmmmm...well at least he doesn't climb the tree.
This is Makynna all ready for her dance program. Now for the worst mommy in the world story...I shouldn't admit this, but maybe it will be therapy for me. Let me preface this with her preschool program yesterday, I completely forgot to get the teachers their Christmas gifts and felt pretty bad. I just figured that we'll have to bring them after break. Well, her dance program was last night and I wanted to make sure we had time to get gift cards for their gift so we were ready to go at 6:40. I stopped at Starbucks and got the gift cards, but they didn't have any envelopes left. I thought it would be tacky to just hand them the cards so I stopped at the grocery store on the way and got some 99 cent cards. Well on our way there was an accident, we weren't involved, but it was backing up traffic pretty good. We didn't get there until 7:20 and the show started at 7:30 so we were a little late. I thought it was odd that there wasn't anyone going into the building so I started walking faster. We got up to the door and I noticed that the doors to the gym was shut. I started to panic. We ran in and I found one of the mom's helping another girl (older one). I said that I think we're late, do you know where her group is? She said she thought they were out dancing. My heart stopped. I ran over to the gym doors and looked in. Sure enough, they were out there - just started. I told Makynna that they had already started and that we were too late. The look on her face just destroyed me. "But I want to dance with my friends mommy." ...and then the tears....and then my tears.... How could I have got the time wrong?? It started at 7, not 7:30. Why didn't I check the time before we left?? Why didn't I get the gift cards before??? Why didn't I just skip the gift cards?? Why??? Why??? So we left, both crying, me apologizing over and over. Crying when we got home, my eyes are still puffy. I feel so bad. I don't want this to be the one memory she remembers when she's older of her 4th year.... :( :( :( :( :( I'm sorry baby!!

1 comment:

Jody said...

Silly girl - were you really posting at 5 smomething AM on a Saturday? I suppose you had hockey to arise for.
Anyway - that is so sad! I am so bummed for BOTH of you. I am sure you really wanted to see her perform. She looks adorable in the photo. I am sorry! Mistakes happen, though. Kids love us even when we don't love ourselves (I know you - and know how bad you feel! I would feel the same way!), and I have a feeling that she will remember the good (Disney, Christmas) far more then the bad. It will be okay.
Maybe you can get a few friends together (Brenda, Shelsea, Zach, Jaden, etc.) and do her hair again and have her do a cute little recital at home? Hey, it might help.