Sunday, November 9, 2008

LONG...overdue post

Busy...busy...busy. I apologize for not getting to this sooner. We have been super busy at work with all the election stuff going on. Our office is in charge of sending out all the absentee ballots for the county, not to mention all that came in and voted early. It was a long night on November 4, but the result will be one that I will remember for a lifetime. Not only do we have our first African American president, but we (the State of MN) have a close race for US Senator. We had 4 million votes cast with only approximately 450 separating Norm Coleman and Al Franken. This means a recount of all the ballots....did I mention, it's a HAND recount. Each ballot cast will have to be separated by hand and then counted by hand to verify the votes. In Clay County (Moorhead) there were almost 30,000 ballots. So while I'm thrilled that we had a 96+% of registered voters who voted on November 4th, I cannot imagine recounting them.
Luckily for me I will be gone when the recount will take place. We are now a week away from Disney World! We are so exited! ...and a bit nervous, Livi isn't the most patient child. I FEAR the plane ride there. I'm one that likes to be prepared, but tends to procrastinate. So have I packed yet? No. Does that stress me out a little? Yep. I know I'll get it done, but it won't be without a little sweat and worry.

This is a picture of John and his girlfriend, Larissa, at the homecoming dance. The quality isn't the greatest because I scanned the photo in, but they look so cute together. She came over this past weekend, to "hang out" and watch a movie. Very nice girl, but I'm not ready for John to date. How has 14 years gone by so fast??
Hockey is now in full swing. Practice 4 days a week and games on pretty much every Saturday and Sunday. How I wish the driving age was 14 in Minnesota!! ...I can't believe I just said that...
I just drove by the gas station yesterday and gas is at $1.89 a gallon. John made the comment that he doesn't remember it being under $2/gal. Hopefully it stays for awhile. John is also busy with Confirmation, which means sermon notes, volunteering, reading the lessons during church, tests and hopefully a bit of fun mixed in. He hasn't been complaining about going lately, but I figured out that Larissa goes to our church. hhhmmmmm.... whatever works, I guess.
This is a picture from our window at the resort that Brad and I got away to. ***Thanks again Mom!!!*** the view was awesome! The trees were turning colors and I was wishing I could stop and take pictures of everything. It was truly breath taking. We both got massages while we were there, for the first time, it was so relaxing. It was funny though, because from the moment we left home we felt as if we were missing something. It took 5 minutes to pack, we didn't have to stop on the way down, we didn't have to plan around nap time, and it took less than 5 minutes to get a table at a restaurant. It was great to catch up and enjoy some us time.This is Livi after bath, pretty "innocent"....
This is her getting a "little" annoyed with the camera. She has changed so much the past month. She is practically running without fear. She is so different from Makynna at this age, such a dare devil. Climbs on everything, digs in everything, and is very opinionated. She does share in Makynna's love for books. She constantly is wanting to sit down and read a book. From the minute we get home she has a book in her hand and is literally chasing me around the house. If we would read to her 24/7 she would be in heaven! She likes to turn the pages, point, and ask "What's that?" to everything. She has started saying "No, don't" to Makynna. It's pretty cute, and much better than the normal screaming when she doesn't like what big sis is doing to her.
Makynna's pumpkin face that she drew.
The end product with Daddy's work next to it. She carved it all herself, and was very proud. She continues to love preschool and has a great time. The stories are great. She also has gymnastics on Mondays, dance on Tuesdays, and cubbies on Wednesday. She's at the age where she gets up in the morning and asks "What do I get to do today?", instead of the "What do I HAVE to do today" that is the common response from her big brother. A couple of little stories with her: I picked her up one day and she told me that she could spell her name backwards. I said, "really". Thinking that she really didn't know how to spell it backwards. When I asked her to do it, she did. Then I got to thinking that maybe they practiced it in school, why I don't know - you would think it would be hard enough for them to figure out how to spell their names the right way. So I decided to test her, I asked if she could spell John's name backwards, N-H-O-J she says. Ok, that's a short I asked about Livia, A-I-V-I-L...I'm pretty much speechless at this point. I, yes I, really have to think about how it goes and my four year old has no hesitation in her voice. I don't know what kind of use this has in everyday life, but I was impressed. She also likes to add. 3+3, 2+4....anything that she can use her fingers for she can figure out. I think that's pretty good too!
We have had some issues with nightmares this past week. Sunday night she woke up around 4am and said that she had a bad dream. Normally, I stay with her awhile and she falls back to sleep and is fine. Not this time, she was terrified. Will not lay down, nothing. She wants to sleep in our bed, which I wasn't about to give in. But after 1/2 hour of trying to convince her that she was ok, I let her sleep on the floor by our bed. She still didn't want to fall asleep, and was up every half hour until we got up. We figured out that the dream that she had that night, had to do with going to the park with John and a robot picked her up and put her in it's mouth. She hasn't watched any shows with robots, so I'm not sure where it came from. ...other than my roomba (robotic vacuum) that she is freaked out by... We have be fighting with it all week. She doesn't want to go to sleep, because she is afraid that she'll see it in her dreams. The next night she DID sleep with us (just so we could get some sleep too) and the second she fell asleep in our bed, but Brad took her to her room after she fell asleep. She's a little better now, but it took A LOT of convincing.

Makynna in the leaves.

Livi - that first flash gets her :)

Candling Makynna's ears. Makynna has a huge fear of doctors and her ears. Ever since she was 2 and had to get them flushed, she has NOT wanted anyone touching her ears. Not good, since she has a huge ear wax problem. This was the first time that we had tried this, you would not believe how much wax came out of those little ears. Gross!! but, she says she can hear better :)
Makynna's cross that she made at Sunday School. Their 4 year old faith milestone is celebrated by making a wooden cross necklace. She is very proud.
I promise to post after our trip. Hope all is well with everyone.

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